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Single Origin: Brazil Natural (Dark Roast)

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Dark (Light Vienna) Roast
Cup Characteristics: Sweet, full body, light acidity, fruity aftertaste, clean, chocolate notes with deep roasty profile.
Available Grind Options: Whole Bean, Ground (Paper Filter, Metal Filter, Chemex, French Press)
* Available in K-Cups that work in all Keurig machines. (See K-Cup product listing under Buy Coffee section)
This Coffee's Story:
Vertere offers this coffee as a dark roast, not to full French roast, but stopping at a Light Vienna Roast. We want our customers to enjoy the bolder flavor profile of a darker roast without the burned, bitter taste often associated with a dark roast or French roast coffee.


This Brazil coffee originates in the Cerrado region, located in the southwestern part of the Minas Gerais state. It is a region famous for its homogeneous climate, altitude and product quality characteristics. 

Cerrado is located in a dry and flat region in southwestern Minas Gerais. Because it is mainly dry and flat, producers can worry less about the elements and focus more of their time and energy on producing great coffee. The cherries are picked at the best stage of their maturation, which allows the bean to absorb as much sweetness as possible. The Oberon is the perfect blend of the three main characteristics found in coffee (acidity, body, and sweetness). This makes for a well-balanced coffee that has pleasant, citric acidity, a smooth and full body, nice sweetness, and a dark chocolate flavor.

All year long, a work force of around 20,000 men and women are employed here. This work force is necessary to take care of the plantations during the growth and ripening time. During the harvest season this number increases up to 180,000 workers, all working to bring in the coffee as fast as possible in order to guarantee the high quality that this region is so well known for.

Region: Cerrado

Growing Altitude: 900 - 1,250 masl

Cultivar:  Mundo Novo, Catuaí, and Bourbon

Processing Method: Natural


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