They say things are bigger in Texas. Texas is big and has a rich and strenuous history. Much work went into establishing the Republic of Texas, work that never ceases and is an example for us all. Texas has history, heritage and heros -- all involved in our fight for freedom.
Vertere created a series of coffees that embody a fresh take on the fighting spirit that is Texas. Bold, brave, and breathtaking flavors in this series of coffees prepare you for your daily struggles and give you pause at the end of the day.
Coffees in the Texas Independence Series are:
$ 76.00
Medium - Medium (Full City) Roast This Coffee's story: Vertere's Texas Independence Gift Set...
$ 15.00
Medium - Medium (Full City) Roast Cup Characteristics: Medium body. Caramel. Chocolate. Blueberry. This Coffee's...